Thursday, 27 August 2009

P&O Cruiseship Coxswain

After a vigourous nearly six month trip I returned home to Swansea Sept 98 but was to return after three weeks to Join Arcadia as Coxswain CPO until Sept 2000, with a four month trip on Victoria for a cicumnavigation of Africa Decked out with Union Castle Funnel and stewards in the livery, this cruise was to celebrate their centenary voyage. Another great experience working on a ship 36yrs old so gained valuable experience in the earlier types of traditional ships equipment and an awesome itinary with Madagascar and The Comores Islands being two of my favourite ports of call and being on the wheel navigating The Straits of Tiran the narrow sea passages between The Siani and Arabian Peninsulas inbound and outbound to Aqaba Jordan.And my first taste of traditional ships telegraphs.

Arcadia Funchal Maderia New Year 1999
Victoria with Union Castle Funnel
Arcadia at Valleta in a Maltese sunset 

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