M/V Thamesfeild starboard side too at Tampa Florida loading Yellow Phosphate by conveyor belt. Six holds and six 25tonne hydraulic electric deck cranes GRT 30,427.66
Returning home from Falklands after a six month trip a two week cruise on Uganda a lift by Wessex Helicpoter to Ascension Island and a flight to Brize Norton in VC 10. Singned off articles Port Stanley 16/10/1984 and Signed on deep sea cargo ship M/V Thamesfield at Antwerp 27/11/1984. The ship was loading steel products and containers in holds 1,2,4,6 leaving 3and 5 empty for loading Yellow Phosphate for Vancoover at Tampa Florida, the steel to be discharged at Los Angeles and San Francisco, the phosphate dischrged by ships cranes at Vancoover involved us fitting the grabs.This ship gave me an excellent insight into seamanship on a large scale The rigging of Table platform gangways with pilot ladder due to ships freeboard 8" multiplait ropes giant winches and wires, changing the crane wires and greasing at sea required a great amount of good seamanship skills and with a first rate bosun in charge i soon learnt the ropes being on day work then watch keeping getting behind the wheel of an extremely large ship under pilotage and steering through the panama canal. Plenty of general day to day maintaniance chipping scraping painting and sugee, the ship also had a dedicated Deck Engineer who I worked with on numerous occassions. Light ship in Vancoover we loaded 30000 tonnes of timber and paper products for Europe and The UK, which invloved lashing with chains and bottle screws with senhouse slips for quick release of cargo should we ship too much water as wood is like a sponge and can severly affect the ships stability. Also the timber in holds is well vented with clamp on booby hatch vents that dry wet timber allowing the ship to load to full cubic capacity some 5000 tonnes by drying cargo then battenend down. Steel is not vented during passage as this causes oxidation as you need air for rust to form.
M/V Thamesfield locking in at The Panama Canal